A humanitarian order

To show compassion and fellowship is an obligation for each human being, but a Freemason is especially bound and must be most vigilant in this area.

Regular collections are arranged to support and help our fellow mortals who might be in need of a helping hand. Annually a cause or institution is chosen for the Orders’ Common Gift, and a united collection is taken on its behalf.

As can be seen from the list later in the program, the Norwegian Order of Freemasons is represented with lodges and brother societies in most towns and many of the other denser populated areas of Norway.

Sist redigert søndag, 02 november 2008 21:32

Den Norske Frimurerorden, Nedre Vollgt. 19, 0158 Oslo. Postboks 506 Sentrum, N-0105 Oslo. Telefon: 22 47 95 00

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